Data Type
schemas.dataType.specialCharacter().getValue() // '_'
schemas.dataType.boolean().getValue() // true
int // 462{ min: 10, max: 30 }) // 28
Argument | Description |
min | Minimun posible value |
max | Maximun posible value |
schemas.dataType.float().getValue() // 462.12
schemas.dataType.float().getValue({ min: 10, max: 30 }) // 10.23
schemas.dataType.number().getValue({ precision: 4 }) // 90.5362
Argument | Description |
min | Minimun posible value |
max | Maximun posible value |
precision | Precision of the float. Must be a value between 1 and 20 . Default 2 |
schemas.dataType.number().getValue() // 301
schemas.dataType.number().getValue({ min: 10, max: 30 }) // 10.2327
Argument | Description |
min | Minimun posible value |
max | Maximun posible value |
precision | Precision of the float. Must be a value between 0 and 20 |
schemas.dataType.hexadecimal().getValue() // '009df'
schemas.dataType.hexadecimal().getValue({ length: 3 }) // '01D'
schemas.dataType.hexadecimal().getValue({ lenght: 3, case: 'upper' }) // 'DE20'
Argument | Description |
case | Case of the values inside de hexadecimal code (mixed , lower , upper ) |
length | Lenght of the hexadecimal code |
schemas.dataType.matrix().getValue() // [[1, 0, 5], [5, 10, 9]]
schemas.dataType.matrix().getValue({ x_size: 4, y_size: 2 }) // [[1, 2], [0, 0], [1, 1], [4, 5]]
Argument | Description |
x_size | Columns size |
y_size | Row size |
min | Min value for the numbers of the matrix |
max | Max value for the numbers of the matrix |
precision | Number precision of the matrix |
schemas.dataType.characters().getValue() // 'v'
schemas.dataType.characters().getValue({ length: 5 }) // 'bhtlw'
schemas.dataType.characters().getValue({ length: 5, case: 'upper' }) // 'HQRSD'
Argument | Description |
length | Length of characters |
case | Case of the characters ('lower' or 'upper' ) |
schemas.dataType.binaryCode().getValue() // '00101'
schemas.dataType.binaryCode().getValue({ length: 6 }) // '010100'
Argument | Description |
length | Length of the binary code |
schemas.dataType.alphaNumeric().getValue() // 'b29o'
schemas.dataType.alphaNumeric().getValue({ length: 7 }) // 'HN5fR2w'
schemas.dataType.alphaNumeric().getValue({ banned: 'arf' }) // 'HN5vR2w'
schemas.dataType.alphaNumeric().getValue({ banned: ['a', 'r', 'f'] }) // 'HN5vR2w'
.getValue({ banned: ['a', 'r', 'f'], case: 'lower' }) // 'l09bct'
Argument | Description |
length | Length of the string |
case | Case of the string. (lower , upper , mixed ) |
banned | Characters that cannot appear in the string. It can be an array of characters or a string with all the characters |